Miss Hailey -- This girl is sweet, funny, beautiful and smart. She made an amazing Marilyn Monroe... actually, I think she would give the real Marilyn a run for her money!

Natalie -- Even prettier than the real Audrey Hepburn! Even if she doesn't get to be America's Next Top Model, she is my top model!! She's always a blast to shoot with! And absolutely HILARIOUS! "I have some news...I saw...blood..." -- Natalie, after shaking a creepy mans hand! Don't worry, I gave her a wet wipe and we were on our way!
Adam -- the best James Dean since the original!! (Don't worry, the cigarette wasn't lit! Just say no, kids!) Totally a natural model, and makes me laugh soo hard sometimes I forget what I am doing. These kids are some of the sweetest people I've ever known! And they are all totally hilarious. (Hailey - "Adam, what do you usually wear underneath your button ups?" Adam - "Nothing..." Me - "Excellent...") Good times!

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